

Featured on the Hosta Library for the Duane Hurlbert benefit in 2012. Stats:
'Brother Stefan' x ('Christmas Tree Gala' x 'Nigrescens Elatior')
Plant:60 in. diameter, 27 in. high; moderate (but STRONG)
Leaf: 14 in long, 10 in. wide; 13 pairs of veins; medium green, corrugated
Flower: Start in mid-June stats taken in Wheaton, IL
Seed: Fertility unknown

This fabulous large came out of the program of a "world renowned" hybridizer specializing in large hostas of excellent quality. Only one other person now has this plant, so it is rare and choice!
From the hybridizer - it is intended for use as a hybridizing tool or simply to be enjoyed, it is not to be registered.

GARDEN NAME: Olga's Monster

If anyone is interested in breeding for larges, I'm open to trades.

Contact Info

Twig's Garden

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